Help for Hoarders, Hoarding Clean Out Services
Clearing out and cleaning a home for any reason is a trying and stressful process. Whether you are relocating, clearing an estate, downsizing, or reducing the risk of hoarding, the details involved in getting the job done are unfamiliar terrain for most and can be overwhelming. At this time of major transition, you may want to be freed from the burden of managing many details, conflicting agendas and schedules. BERGFELD’s does this.
Over our 30 years of successfully serving clients in all manner of transitions, we’ve developed a full range of essential services to meet their needs. BERGFELD’s clients often confide that an important benefit of our taking care of their arrangements and logistics are their feelings of relief, comfort and security in knowing that their wishes are being met professionally and compassionately. Many also recognize that because of our experience and attention to detail, they are protected from being exploited at a time of personal stress, and from making decisions that they might later regret.
Credentials – BERGFELD’s complies with statutory payroll regulations, Liability Insurance, Workers Comp., Disability, UI, Sales Tax. Certificates available as buildings require.
Because of our integrity, expertise and approach, we are now certified by the Small Business Administration of New York City to enter into formal contracts with NYC public agencies.
In honor of our 30th year of business, we received a Proclamation from the New York State Assembly: “Whereas BERGFELD’s, founded by Kristin P. Bergfeld in 1987, has provided its clientele with support and resources to approach clearing out, downsizing or leaving a home with peace of mind and should be commended for its services to families across New York City… in view of the work of BERGFELD’s Clearance Service, I, Daniel O’Donnell, New York State Assembly member, by the power vested in me, on this fifteenth day of July, 2017, join in honoring it for its truly remarkable achievement on this momentous anniversary.”
30 years of experience helping our clients
Our integrity, expertise and approach
Personalized Services
Bonded and Insured
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This is not a typical selection of “before and after” photos. These were taken during our work with several clients in their homes and illustrate various phases of the process. They also express deeply human, poignant moments that arise as we sort through their lifetime of stuff.
Although the clearance process can be painful and upsetting, we honor the sheer effort a client experiences. Often, at the center of the chaos and radical change, lie good intentions, humor and hope.
We appreciate both our valued clients and our colleagues who have assisted us to accomplish our goals.
Below is a sampling of testimonials, letters and citations that we have gratefully received.
View All Our Happy Customers Here
BERGFELD’s complies with Statutory payroll regulations, Liability Insurance, Workers Comp., Disability,
UI, Sales Tax. Certificates available as buildings requires.
©2017 BERGFELD’s Clearance Service
2424 Broadway Suite 250, New York, New York 10024
t: 212-666-6649 | e:
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